The History of the Wonderbolts
Founded by General Firefly who gathered seven of the best Pegasi to celebrate the first year of celestial piece. Therefore He established the E.U.P. Guards of the protective pony platoons.After that Princess Celestia wanted to admire General Fire Fly and the Pegasus creating the Wonderbolts. Over the History of the original Wonderbolts, Commander Easyglider was the Wonderbolts Choreography leader and established many formations and maneuvers still used today such as the Famous "Cheveron Formation and The Icaranian Sun Salutation".
However, The Wonderbolts did serve as part as Equestria's Air Squadron and served to protect the ponies of Equestria. Thanks to Admiral Fairweather who was not afraid to put his hoof down. When it came to protecting the Ponies of Equestria, Fairweather never backed down. This also led the operations of the Pony Platoons. However Operations ceased operations as Protectors of Equestria with the arrival of the "Royal Pony Guards" Who were a much larger than the Wonderbolts themselves.
The Wonderbolts Today
Today the Wonderbolts are the Leading Aerobatic Flyers across Equestria ever since their beginnings.
The Squadron of Pegasus ponies has increased in size over the years which has lead to it's present lineup of 11 Flyers! But no matter what role they are, They are all here to amaze the crowds and bond with each other with the magic of Friendship!
Current Wonderbolts Lineup
Team Captain and Academy Drill Instructor
As Captain of the Wonderbolts, It's her job to keep her team in line and makes sure what they are doing. She is a nice pony to be around outside of her duties as team captain, but once she steps into uniform she knows how to get those ponies to Work hard whenever wherever. She is FAST, AGILE, and BREATHTAKING out of the bolts. Some ponies may be intimidated by her methods and think she has a temper. But as Quoted by Spitfire herself, "You are Wrong!"
Soarin is Commander of the Wonderbolts. He has also been labeled as "2nd in command" under team orders. By also making sure he The team is under control and doing what they are supposed to do. Soarin has been loved by many other ponies around (especially Rainbow Dash ;). He has pulled off some amazing maneuvers that left some ponies breathless. And he is a very daring pony wanting show his love for the skies...And Apple Pie too! ^_^
Known from her Icy White Mane and Tail, Fleetfoot has been labeled as the Fastest Flyer of the Squad! Thats Right! Fleetfoot is a speed demon when it comes to the Wonderbolts Derby as they race against each other. She may have a different personality from others, but that doesn't mean she flies awesome. She does seem to like the attention of other ponies though. As she loves flying, she loves her fans, and she loves her friends.
Blaze is one of the older Wonderbolts out of the Twelve but she has been the most respected out of the squad. She really puts a lot of effort into teamwork. She really cares for her other bolts and has helped them also achieve the best out of themselves. Weather you know her or not, This pony loves her friends and loves to help.
Lightning Streak:
The Younger brother of Fire Streak (who retired) Lightning Streak is a friendly pony to be around and like to succeed in his goals. He has made some memorable tricks over the years including his signature "Banana roll". But He loves flying and he loves the Wonderbolts.
Misty Fly:
Misty Fly is pretty "fly" If you know what I mean :)
She's is a newer flyer to the Wonderbolts. But she does seek a lot of potential out of the others. She loves to keep trying even if she seeks failure. But her attitude has somehow been pretty memorable.
Silver Lining:
Silver Lining has quite a unique mane compared to other stallions in the Bolts. But his well known trait is is memorable Silver Streak as he flies in the sky.
Wave Chill:
Wave Chill is a lesser known Wonderbolt to the masses, but he is well known by the Rest of the Wonderbolts. Usually when he does a fly by up close he usually leaves a chilling breeze to ponies as you've witnessed the Chilling stunts by Wave Chill.
Now the Oldest Flyer of the Bolts, Surprise still wants to leave a "surprise" when she up in the sky. She has many memorable stunts in her bag of tricks. Able to pull off some really fast Barrel rolls and fast reflexes, This pony is able to fly with an attitude.
High Winds:
Able to fly high in the sky. High Winds Has made some very interesting maneuvers over the years. And she won't stop anytime soon.
Rainbow Dash:
The Newest Member of the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash was the most anticipated flyer by the Wonderbolts themselves! Known by her element of Loyalty, this pony will remain Loyal to the skies, the bolts, and most importantly her friends. She may have had a rough start on her debut with her memorable Ending Crash at the Ponyville Airshow Which turned out to be awesome! But since then she has improved from her mistakes and is welcomed by the Wonderbolts as their newest flyer!
And Don't forget about our Photographer!
Though Not an official Wonderbolts Member, He is our official Wonderbolts photographer and news writer at "Wonderbolts Daily". Though Whirlwind also has a love for the skies in Racing long distances. Whirlwind is a Very Fast Long Distance flyer who has competed in famous races across Equestria Such as the "Mustang Marathon, and the Equestrian 500". But Whirlwind sure loves the Wonderbolts and has connected with all the members and keeps their website up and running.